Register to Vote: Through Election Day
Resource: Register to Vote.
Registering to vote has never been easier or more convenient.
Now through Oct 6: Eligible suburban Cook County residents can register to vote in person with a certified registrar by going to: One of the Cook County Clerk's six locations, A village, city or township clerk, An Illinois Secretary of State's drivers license facility.
Oct 6: Deadline to download registration forms and register through the mail.
Oct 7 - Nov 2: Register to vote at one of the Clerk's designated grace period locations.
Oct 18: Deadline to Register Online. If you have an Illinois driver's license or state ID, you may register online through the Illinois State Board of Elections website.
Nov 3: Election Day: Residents who are not registered to vote may register and cast a ballot on Election Day at their home precinct only thanks to same-day registration and voting. Those who wish to register on Election Day must present two qualifying forms of ID.
NOTE: Any voter who needs to register for the first time or file an address change must present two forms of ID, one of which shows the voter's current address.
Early Voting in Evanston & Wilmette: Oct 19 - Nov 2
Resource: Early Voting - Evanston; 8:30-7pm Weekdays; 9-5pm Weekends Evanston: Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center 2100 Ridge Avenue, Rm. G300 Wilmette: Centennial Park, 2300 Old Glenview Road 8:30-7pm Weekdays; 9-5pm Weekends What do you need to Early Vote? Government-issued photo ID is not required but is helpful if there is a question about the voter's registration, address or signature.
Additional locations: Early Voting - Suburban Cook County
Vote By Mail: Ballots Mailed to Voters Starting 9/24
Drop Box FAQ
Last Day to Request Mail Ballot Oct 29: We say request ASAP!
Mail Ballot Dropbox Locations & FAQ Ballot Return Envelopes can be submitted in secure Dropbox locations; 6 locations Oct 9; widely available Oct 19.
Dropbox Hours: 8:30 AM to 7 PM Monday through Friday and 9 AM to 5 PM on weekends (depending on location). Mail ballots will be collected on a daily basis through Election Day and will be time stamped.
VBM: It's EASY - Any registered suburban Cook County voter with a driver’s license, state ID or social security number on file may request a mail ballot using an online or paper application.
VBM Online: Apply here.
VBM Paper application: You may download, print and sign a mail ballot application and send it to the Cook County Clerk's office.
Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day (Nov 3) in order to be counted.
FAQ: If I apply for a Mail Ballot and decide to vote in-person, is that allowed? Yes... From the Cook County's Clerk Office: Once we have sent you a Mail Ballot, you will be placed on the WHO VOTED LIST. The Who Voted List is a voter fraud prevention measure on our end. This means, unless you take your Mail Ballot with you and surrender it to the judges – either at Early Voting or on Election Day at your polling place – you will be required to vote a Provisional Ballot. Once the Provisional Ballot comes back to our office and is researched, when we can confirm that you didn't vote any other way, the Provisional Ballot will be accepted.
Election Day Voting & Registration: Nov 3
Resource: Voter Information Tool: provides key information unique to your voting address or you. The tool can provide details about your polling place, ballot, elected officials and more. Registered suburban Cook County voters can only vote in their home precinct on Election Day. Residents who are not registered to vote may register and cast a ballot on Election Day thanks to same-day registration and voting. Those who wish to register on Election Day must present two qualifying forms of ID.
Work the Election Resource: Work Election Day Every election in suburban Cook County requires a team of Election Judges and Polling Place Technicians to serve voters at the polls. These poll workers are paid depending on the position they work.
Judicial Guides
Resource: Vote for Judges - Alliance Evaluation Results
The Alliance of Bar Associations includes 12 bar associations that work collaboratively to evaluate judicial candidates, but publish independent recommendations.
Click here for a Principal Ratings Grid showing the individual ratings of bar associations.
Click here for the Ballot Summary.
Resource: Injustice Watch: Use this guide to decide which judges to elect to open positions and which to retain on Illinois' courts.
Resource: CBA Judicial Voter's Guide The Chicago Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Committee (JEC) invites you to view its evaluations of sitting judges running for retention or to fill vacancies on the Supreme, Appellate and Circuit Court in the upcoming election to be held on November 3, 2020. Printable PDF guides available.
Key Dates
Sept 24 - Oct 5: Ballots will be mailed beginning these dates Oct 7 - Nov 2: Grace Period Registration and Voting. Grace period registrants must immediately cast their ballot after registering to vote. Oct 9: Drop Boxes for mail ballots will be available at 69 West Washington St. in Chicago as well as the 5 Regional Courthouses in suburban Cook County including Skokie.
Oct 19: Drop Boxes for mail ballots will be available at locations including the Evanston Civic Center and Centennial Ice Rink in Wilmette. Oct 19: First Day of Early Voting
Oct 29: Last date to request a mail ballot, however the Office of Cook County Clerk indicates that to ensure timely receipt of your ballot, it’s best to apply by Monday, October 26. We say request a ballot ASAP. Nov 2: Last day of Early Voting Nov. 3: Election Day: Find your own polling place via Your Voter Information. Nov 3: Last day mail ballots can be postmarked. All mail ballots that arrive at Cook County Elections office by Nov 17 will be counted. Voters are urged to complete and mail their ballot back as early as possible once they receive it. All Vote By Mail ballots come with postage-paid Ballot Return Envelopes.