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Join our May Virtual Meeting: News You Can Use Vs. News You Can Lose...

Writer's picture: Sarah LumbergSarah Lumberg

...A Panel Discussion on Navigating Information in the Era of Digital News and Social Media

In this era of 24-Hour digital news and targeted propaganda, it's often hard to discern the difference between good information and disinformation, especially on social media. On May 19, our virtual meeting will feature an expert panel discussion with Northwestern University faculty to help you learn how to "Separate News You Can Use from News You Can Lose." Among other topics, our panelists will address how we can both navigate and disseminate digital news and social media content more responsibly and effectively.

Meeting Registration, Confirmation & Question Submission

  • Register for the meeting with the link below. This registration link will not get you into the meeting, you must first register to get the meeting link. 

  • Confirmation: once you register, you’ll get an email confirmation from Zoom with the link and login information to the meeting. We strongly recommend you either add the link to your calendar, or save the confirmation email so you can easily find it at the time of the meeting. 

  • Questions: you can submit a question ahead of time for our panelists, and you will also be able to post questions in the chat box during the meeting. Given our time constraints, we will do our best to get to everyone's questions but may not be able to do so. Submit a question for our panelists by 5:00 PM on 5-19-20.


Stephanie Edgerly: Associate Professor, Medill School of Journalism, Media and Integrated Marketing Communications

Stephanie Edgerly research explores how features of new media alter the way audiences consume news and impact political engagement. She is particularly interested in the mixing of news entertainment content, how individuals and groups create and share news over social networking websites, and how audiences selectively consume media. Edgerly is currently working on a series of research projects identifying the factors that shape judgments about "fake news" and the various strategies people employ for verifying news. Submit A Question | Follow on Twitter

David Rapp: Professor of Psychology and Learning Sciences, Reading Comprehension Lab David Rapp studies the effects of exposure to inaccurate information on memory and comprehension. His research on memory and learning has shown that our minds quickly memorize information we learn, independent of its validity or source. If we later discover that it is false, that does not necessarily override the initial story. His research examines language and memory, focusing on the cognitive mechanisms responsible for successful learning and knowledge failures. This has included examining the effects of reading false information. Submit A Question | Follow on Twitter

Michael Spikes: School of Education and Social Policy, Learning Sciences Ph.D. student studying News / Media Literacy 

Michael Spikes has been teaching, writing about, and developing curriculum on the subject of news media literacy and its production for more than 15 years. He has taught skills in news literacy skills to audiences as varied as senior citizens in Illinois and New York to teachers and high school aged youth in Bhutan and Hong Kong. Michael is currently working with David Rapp in the reading comprehension lab to explore assessment tools of news media and information literacy for both young people and adults. Submit A Question | Follow on Twitter

Steven Franconeri: Professor, Department of Psychology, Director of the Northwestern Cognitive Science Program,Visual Thinking Lab

Steven Franconeri studies studies visual thinking and communication: how it works, and how we can make it work better. He runs the Visual Thinking Lab, where a team of researches explore how leveraging the visual system - the largest single system in your brain - can help people think, remember, and communicate more efficiently. Their basic research is inspired by real-world problems, guiding their laboratory towards the most interesting theoretical questions, while producing results that translate directly to science, education, design and industry.

Associate Dean of Research and Professor, Medill School of Journalism, Media and Integrated Marketing Communications.

The focus of Rachel Davis Mersey's work is on the craft of journalism. She is intrigued by journalism's impact on identity, sense of community and social capital. Her aim is to improve the practice of journalism in a manner that enhances news operations' connections with individuals. Mersey is also the senior director of research at the Media Management Center, which is affiliated with Kellogg and Medill. As a fellow at the Insitute for Policy Research, she recently worked with Stephanie Edgerly and others on analyzing a recent NU poll that determined that more Illinoisans are getting their news about COVID-19 from local and national television news instead of newspapers or radio.  


Meeting Registration, Confirmation & Question Submission

  • Register for the meeting with the link below. This registration link will not get you into the meeting, you must first register to get the meeting link. 

  • Confirmation: once you register, you’ll get an email confirmation from Zoom with the link and login information to the meeting. We strongly recommend you either add the link to your calendar, or save the confirmation email so you can easily find it at the time of the meeting. 

  • Questions: you can submit a question ahead of time for our panelists, and you will also be able to post questions in the chat box during the meeting. Given our time constraints, we will do our best to get to everyone's questions but may not be able to do so. Submit a question for our panelists by 5:00 PM on 5-19-20.




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